Submit your Irish Whiskey News

Irish Whiskey Watch aims to build the largest audience of Irish whiskey fans in the world through the sharing of timely, informative news of the latest Irish whiskeys as they are announced or released.
Have you a new or upcoming Irish whiskey release? We'd love to share it with our community of Irish whiskey consumers, enthusiasts and collectors.
Here's the information we need
We've noticed that some of the most asked questions are often unanswered in press releases, so to ensure our audience has the most information needed to make a purchasing decision, we've compiled a list of the details we ask you to include with any news release:
- Name of whiskey
- Name of distillery/brand releasing the whiskey
- Website where product details can be viewed
- Age statement/non age statement
- ABV/Proof
- Style of whiskey
- Maturation/finishing details (woods used)
- Size of bottle
- Price (per market - £/$ etc)
- Date of availability (per market)
- Where to buy (per market, where available) - online and offline channels. Be sure to let us know which countries will receive stock and when
- Any additional information regarding the journey of the whiskey from grain to glass
- High quality product photos/videos (at least one photo required to publish) (link to Dropbox folder or similar file sharing service ideal)
Where to send news releases with the above info
Send all news releases and images to news [at]
We endeavour to publish all news the day it is received but cannot guarantee day or time of publication. We welcome the receipt of news releases under embargo to give us time to prepare any posts ahead of a launch. The earlier information is received, the more chance of it being published on the day of release or ahead of a release if required.